Tag Archives: Lexington Insurance Company

Court Reduces Continuing Charges and Expenses From Net Profits When a Business Resumed Partial Operations After a Loss – Understanding Business Interruption Claims, Part 35

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals recently issued a 21-page opinion in the case of Consolidated Companies, Inc. v. Lexington Insurance Company, No. 09-30178, ___ F. 3d ___ (5th Cir. August 17, 2010). The opinion is dense, to say the least, but it resolves an issue that sometimes can make or break a settlement in business interruption claims.… Continue Reading

Cooperation Clause Does Not Require the Policyholder’s Slavish Obedience

It is curious how some insurance company claims managers allow their insurance defense counsel to treat their customers with an arrogant, demeaning tone, along with long requests for largely irrelevant lists of information following a loss. Any objection to the treatment is usually met with a threat the claim will be turned down for a … Continue Reading

The Value of Networking and Sharing Insurance Claims Information Between Policyholders

Formal discovery in insurance lawsuits is replete with protracted discovery battles, insurers motions for protective orders, and evasive responses from insurers trying to avoid turning over information damaging to their case. Historically, some of our biggest breakthroughs have come from "alternative" sources… Continue Reading

Insurance Settlement Preparation

The best way to prepare for an insurance settlement is to prepare the case for trial. Trying to predict what would probably happen at trial is a great way to gauge the value of an insurance dispute. I am writing this while flying to New Orleans for a mediation tomorrow morning. This blog post may … Continue Reading