In Chubb Calls Competitors Cheap And Unfair, I congratulated Chubb for pointing out claims handling problems within the insurance industry. Anybody can advertise in a certain way to make profits. Who knows the truth?

In fairness to other insurance companies, we are making a bibliography of cases, witnesses, and evidence regarding Chubb’s claims and litigation pracitces. We are making a survey of all bad faith cases pending against Chubb over the past decade and will only share the information with attorneys representing policyholders in litigation with Chubb.

We are hopeful that Chubb has little litigation or claims practice problems to report. For those with information regarding claims practice problems regarding Chubb, please contact Kelly Kubiak, who is co-chair of the American Association for Justice Bad Faith Litigation Group, or Ruck Deminico at 813-229-1000.